Monday, February 11, 2008


I did a little diddy for BRANTFORD.COM Saturday night at Iroquois mixed martial arts championships at the I.L.A . Quite different than boxing, but just as intense. A bunch of seriously scary individuals. The show was great, and as usual I was at ring side, I hate when that happens.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Quite a few people have made comments on this image of Tara and Josh ... is it real ... were they really there? Yes we were there and they were really sitting at the bottom of Webster’s falls! The final product is the result of a preconceived vision of how we wanted the portrait to look. Not all portraits are the same, and not all looks work with all portraits. This one we FUNKTIFIED in the computer and is no different than giving a film negative special development in the dark room. We love the look and more importantly Tara and Josh think so too. The final print was made on Metallic paper and is stunning!
We borrowed the term FUNKTIFIED from our friend Mark Ridout, check out his site, really cool work!