Thursday, January 29, 2009

Year in review (click to see show)

We are gearing up for an exciting 2009 and finishing up some work with 2008 wedding clients. Here is a little review of just a few of our favorites from 2008. Thank you to all last years couples. We had a great time and hope that you are all enjoying your first year as husband and wife! To our 2009 newlyweds to be, we are looking forward to shooting each and everyone of your weddings...LET'S ROCK!

Monday, January 12, 2009

urban exploration

D'Arcy and I have been doing a little exploring lately. Here are a few shots from various outings.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

camera raw

This is an example of what comes out of the camera and what went through photoshop. I don't care who or how good you are, every image has got to be processed. Even you hard core film dudes have to process your film...certain developer, temp, agitation, toner(s), paper, etc! Hey! I love film but my point is that even with the digi's, you have to process the shit.
We make our exposures just as carefully as with film with the final product in mind. Unless you want to go HDR (bracket) you just have to pay attention to the exposure. You see, photography has not changed...a camera is still just a box with a hole in it!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Art Sunday!

So, we were at a "Happy Hour" or the always politically correct "Open House" and I was conversing with this dude named Norm. Apparently Norm likes cars and he got me thinking! So here are some cars...these ones were shot on West street in Brown Town a few years back. Everyone remembers the silver painted cars on the way to where ever, now they are gone! But not forgotten. This one is for you Norm, nice meeting you!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Ben, Lisa and Anne!

Ben, Lisa and Anne made their way to the studio for some shootin' for a CD that they are having made. They drove three hours each way to the studio. The old crappy(perfect) trailer is behind our building, I just love what people park back there! Ball Media is doing the rest of the work and we can't wait to see what they produce! Thanks for comming to town guys!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Art Sunday!

A pear, one exposure with the Hasselblad! I might make a big canvas of this for the kitchen!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Happy Friday!

This is Gord, Gord is a piper, not only a piper but the best damn piper around and the Pipe Major for the Paris Port Dover Pipe Band. we have done a bit of work for Gord and the band, if you ever need a piper...we might know one!!!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Art Sunday!

A wedding dress made by a very talented designer...sadly he stopped making them. This particular shot was again shot using the Hasselblad with Ilford film.

Friday, November 28, 2008


Just something cool for Happy Friday!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Guerrilla photography!

Did a little shooting guerrilla style for in the last couple of weeks. Lots of fun, no scouting, no creative or commitee meetings, just some hardcore guerilla shooting and photoshopping! If you are from Browntown then you know this eye sore for most.
For me however, it has an infinite visual appeal. Get me an old crappy trailer and I'm movin' in!